
Ch. 18 - Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

According to MKTG3, Sales Promotion is "marketing communication activities, other than advertising, personal selling, and public relation, in which a short-term incentive motivates consumers or members of the distribution channel to purchase a good or service immediately, either by lowering the price or by adding value."

There are different methods on using promotion: coupons&rebates, premiums, frequent buyer programs, contests&sweepstakes, sampling, Point-of-Purchase Promotion, Online Sales Promotion.
Nike uses each of these methods in a unique manner in which creates a huge amount of revenue.

Coupons & Rebates
Although Nike does not highly publicize this method, it is readily available to online buyers. I just did a simple GOOGLE search "nike coupons and rebates" and I came up with websites exclusively made to have coupon codes where you can get discounts or free shipping. This is definitely useful tool that Nike has put via the web.

Couponmeup.com NIKE COUPONS!
Fabuloussavings.com NIKE COUPONS!

As an avid runner, I have totally been exposed to Nike's Premium Promotion strategy. I have probably bought about a dozen Nike running shoes and I have received many Nike shoe bags for free to go along with my purchase. I always loved the running shoes and always loved putting them away in my free Nike bag and taking it to school or the gym. Also as an ex-cross country runner, Nike sponsored many events that I was a part of. For Example, Mt. Sac Invitational in Walnut, California (Mt. Sac Invitational Website) is the largest invite in the nation where hundreds of schools from all over come to compete. Nike gave the winners and high place finishers bags, trophies, and even free shoes. NIKE uses plus premium for sure!!

The National Cross Country Race is also sponsored by Nike since 2004 

Frequent Buyer Programs
Blogs and websites build a community around its brand or company. Nike has many Facebook pages(many made by impostors) The real "NIKE" page has over 2 million fans and they constantly update the page informing the fans of promotions, advertisements, events in sports.

Contests & Sweepstakes
Nike is very involved with contests and sweepstakes. I have researched many contests Nike holds ranging from designing shirts, shoes, and balls. They also hold athletic activities where winners receive free Nike gear. Something that really impressed me is how Nike pushes their 175 retail locations to help their respective community. They give out grants to the stores according on how hard they push to positively change the community. It's awesome to have your own stores, COMPETING for money by helping the community out.

Nike held a Basketball Tournament this year partnering up with Kobe Bryant and Aston Martin. The winners were awarded an Aston Martin version of Kobe's Nikes.

South Park Spoofs NIKE Lebron Advertisement

compared to Nikes' original.

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